Potential risks of AI: Will it destroy Humanity?

2 min readNov 17, 2023

Artificial intelligence or AI is currently the talk of the hour and its rapid growth is astonishing to comprehend for any of us. Many experts use it for healthcare, finance writing blog posts. Although it holds significant potential to make ourselves productive and more creative there is no denying that its human-like ability to analyze huge amounts of data is pretty impressive and it keeps improving itself to be able to do more complex stuff.

Despite all these benefits, we still can’t seem to stop worrying about the possible risks that come with it. If we trust our experts without proper regulations AI can pose a very genuine threat to our society and even to humanity and these concerns are very important to be addressed. Another concern is the impact it poses on employment it’s very much possible and even true that some particular jobs might get automated and that would lead to a widespread job displacement.

On the other hand, some also believe that AI has significantly benefited and even saved many by improving the medical sector, reducing traffic jams, and improving public safety.

It is very important to keep this thing in mind that humans have created AI and we are controlling it (for now at least X_X), so we should understand our responsibility and use AI ethically for the betterment of humanity.

To wrap all things up, YES! we still have some doubts about AI, but we should keep our minds open and try to use AI to improve ourselves and our society. It is pretty simple actually if every person works on themselves first then the world automatically turns into a better place.

